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About Me

I am an undergraduate data science student at Purdue University that loves to take on new problems by analyzing, visualizing, and interpreting data. Specifically, I am interested in the natural language processing subfield of machine learning. In the future, I aspire to be in a role that utilizes classifiers and language models to accurately develop text predictions.

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Aug. 2018 - Present

Purdue University

Data Science Major

Relevant Coursework:

- Problem Solving and Object-Oriented Programming (Fall 2018)

- Foundations of Computer Science (Spring 2019)

- Python Programming (Spring 2019)

- Introduction to Data Science (Fall 2019)

- Statistics for Data Science (Fall 2019)

- Data Structures and Algorithms (Spring 2020)

- Elementary Linear Algebra (Spring 2020)

- Probability (Spring 2020)

- Data Mining and Machine Learning (Fall 2020)

- Introduction to Algorithms (Fall 2020)

- Statistical Theory (Fall 2020)

- Artificial Intelligence (Spring 2021)

- Information Systems (Spring 2021)

- Game Theory (Fall 2021)

- Large Scale Data Analysis (Fall 2021)

- Introduction to Relational Database Systems


May 2021 - Present

Amazon Web Services

SDE Intern

June 2020 - Oct. 2020

Milwaukee Brewers

Baseball Research and Development Intern

I am building and training a sentiment analysis model of player scouting reports using supervised machine learning. With this sentiment information, I will then predict future contributions for each player and improve accuracy of the player scouting model.

May 2020 - Present

Purdue University CS Department

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant

I create videos on examples that help supplement lectures and hold office hours to answer students' questions in the Introduction to Data Structures (CS 251) course. I develop homework, labs, and projects in Python for the Introduction to Data Science (CS 242) course.

Jan. 2020 - Dec. 2020

Schwab Reese Lab

Undergraduate Research Assistant

I am currently conducting research on the gender pay gap in Dr. Schwab Reese's lab. More specifically, I am analyzing salary data of male and female Ohio State University professors and determining the root causes.

June 2019 - Aug. 2019


Software Engineering Intern

I developed a cross-platform mobile application that expedites the process in which employees check if packages remain in tractor-trailers. I won the Best Intern Award at the UPS Hackathon and was able to present my project to CIO Juan Perez.

Aug. 2018 - Dec. 2018

Dark Matter Lab

Undergraduate Research Assistant

I worked in Professor Rafael Lang's laboratory and conducted research on dark matter particles. I compiled a large amount of dark matter waveform image data and retrieved a range of frequencies of where dark matter could exist in Python. I then parsed and cleaned through the data in order to make it usable.


May 2020

Python Content Development

I wrote a Medium article that introduces the introductory topics of Python which you can find here. I also wrote another Medium article introducing the data science process and data science libraries in Python which you can find here.

Oct. 2019


At DemonHacks, the DePaul University Hackathon, my team and I built a web application that allows multiple users to add songs to a music queue using Flask. We won 2nd place at the Hackathon and you can find the code here.

July 2019

Purdue Gender Pay Gap Study

I investigated the gender pay gap of all staff employees at Purdue University in 2018. I then found that the difference between male and female salaries was statistically significant using hypothesis testing and confidence intervals by leveraging R. Finally, I published a Medium article on my statistical findings with data-driven analysis on the root causes of the gender pay gap which you can find here.

June 2019

Eliminate the Shipping Label

My team and I won the 2019 UPS Hackathon by creating a mobile application that scans and tracks QR codes. In this application, we implemented an economically beneficial shipping model that associates a unique QR code with each box.

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